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Command LineA user interface that allows for the input of commands to your machine, which can be used to navigate directories on your computer.
Config FileShort for “configuration file”, used to set and define the parameters and initial settings of a computer program.
DirectoryA location, or ‘folder’, on a computer where files are stored.
GitComputing software that tracks changes in files, often used to coordinate collaborative work between programmers.
git cloneCopies or ‘clones’ a repository to your local device, so you can make changes from an IDE.
git forkCopies a repository from someone else’s GitHub account into your own account, often used as a base for a new project.
git pushSends changes to a repository that were made on a local device to your GitHub account.
GitHubInternet hosting website for software development and version control via Git.
IDEStands for “Integrated Development Environment”; an application that facilitates the development of software and often has many helpful tools.
Local DeviceThe physical computer with which you’re working. In this case, it would be your Mac device, because this guide is Mac-specific.
NanoA simple text editor that is available from within Terminal.
RepositoryA centralized location in which data or code can be stored and managed, often shortened to “repo”.
SSH keyStands for Secure Shell key. A secure way for two devices to communicate with each other.
TerminalApplication that allows users to input command line instructions.